R.I.P Bobok

Its Malaysia Day, and we together with the kids enjoyed the parade at Dataran Merdeka. We left early at the morning, but we ensure the cats got their food supply during our absence. Its a quick outing actually, as by 11 am we already reached home.

And its play time for the hairy creatures!

We decided not to put the kitties in the cage on day time, so we let them out and play at our yard. Furthermore, its weekend. We can keep them on eye as we will be at home most of the time. Opet was so happy. He has been observing his new playground and keep on running here and there. Oyen tried to explore, but at some points he will run back to me or the kids when he unsure with things that he found. While Bobok, he prefers to be in the cage. Bobok has been worrying us since the first day, as he was not that active like his other brothers. At one time, it freaks me out when I see Bobok hardly can walk, due to his tummy bloated like a ball. It might due to overfed, but still his condition was not convincing. I monitored his condition and I assumed he was ok when he poo, eat and sleep just like his brothers.

But nobody knows when it comes to God's decision.

Its a sad news when my sister messaged me (via phone), that Bobok is dead. We know Bobok was weak from the beginning, but we are not expecting him to left us that soon. We were at our friend's house when we received the news, and we reached home only to see Bobok's body has been covered with kain (cloth). Adik a bit sad, but she accepts the deceased calmly. Together with kakak and abang, we burried Bobok next to our late NyaNyau.

Rest In Peace, Bobok.


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